September 8, 2024

On to a new adventure

After a journey of several days, the young prince arrived in the Sultan's realm. The Sultan lived in a pyramid in the middle of the desert. Inside the pyramid, it was crowded. There were people everywhere and countless stalls with no end in sight.

After a while, the young prince needed some rest and decided to take a nap outside the pyramid. From the pyramid you could see the golden mountains. “Watch out for the golden mountains” the Sage had said, but why? The gold of the mountains shone in the light of the setting sun. This spectacular view triggered the adventurous nature of the young prince.

He entered the pyramid, packed his bag full of bottles of water and food and without saying anything to anyone he left. Off to the golden mountains.

About Annelies

Annelies is the founder of the Meet your inner Millionaire Method and co-creator of the Money Archetypes. She helps you find your true purpose in life and teaches how you can monetize your mission by meeting your inner Millionaire. She has been working with Archetypes since 2012 and guided more then 3000 students towards purpose driven careers being a Career Counselor at one of the top Universities in the Netherlands.

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